The Cartoon Syndicate's goal is to bring together aspiring cartoonists and creators. Also peoople with a fondness for and an interest in making them. The blog's goal, to share experiences, information and knowlege, that may be of interest and use to the little guy.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Syndicate is goin' Legit!

The decision has been made to take the Cartoon Syndicate "legit". Meaning that it will no longer be forwarded to the free host over at Webs. 

It's going to take a lot of cerebral elbow grease but the free hosting that came with the domain originally greatly exceeds what some free places offer. Hopefully it won't be too difficult finding means to brining the site to life once work on it is ready to begin. 

For other news, some reviews are in the works for some sites other toon heads might encounter trying to carve out their niche of the internet. 

That's all for now stay tuned for further updates.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Latest Lowdown at the Cartoon Syndicate

So while Cartoon Syndicate is in a seemingly perpetual state of not-going-anywhere-ness I figured I'd chime in on what is happening.

First as there there are things I never fully mention about plans for Cartoon Syndicate, one thing I can mention is "social networking" hosts and options are being looked into.

There are two top contenders, one I prefer and one that's ok but has features the preferred doesn't. What the latter has is ability to have a "paid membership" option. This is something that wouldn't come until further down the line, but I like to learn about what may be ahead in the future first.

I can't go into too much about what the paid membership option would entail as it is part of the master plan. What would a syndicate be without a master plan?

In that regard I've been brushing up on my "legalese" as it pertains to things that would be offered to paid members of Cartoon Syndicate. All I can say further is, "LOOP HOLES".  

Also I'm considering the option of guest bloggers whom are also aspiring and small time cartoonists from time to time to share their own wit, wisdom, and insights.

So for anyone that stumbles across the blog and fits the bill, drop me a line with your idea for the "article" and we'll see how it goes.

Til next time!